Shawn's Personal Fitness Progam

                                             Components of Fitness

                                                                                              Guiding Questions

What is the difference between health-related and skill-related physical fitness ?

The difference between health-related and skill-related physical fitness is that health-related fitness is required for you to have good physical health so you can be healthy and improve your health. Skill-related fitness is not required for you to have, you don't have to have this to get good health but it does improve your performance.

What are the health-related components of physical fitness ?

Body Composition, Cardiovascular Endurance, Muscular Endurance, Muscular Strenght, and Flexibility.

What are the skill-related components of physical fitness

Power, Balance, Speed, Reaction Time, Agility, and Coordination.

Why does a person not have to be a good athlete to be physically fit ?

Because any person can run, jump, skip or anything they want its just athlete's do it better.

Why is it important to know your current level of health-related fitness ?

Because if u don't u wouldnt know if you are at risk of obesity or you wouldnt know if you are dying.